Saturday, 26 October 2013

My Samoa Finds... Video is still processing

Heya Guys,

I am still processing videos of my adventure, so decided to post just my Finds ;-)

I got over 400 Coins in total :

And here are the best of the best finds :

The silver chain is 50 gram and bracelet is half that.
* 3 Silver Rings
* Junk Rings

And now lets have a look at best 5 rings ;-)

Ring 1 : 9 ct about 2 gram

Ring 2 : 9 CT  3.5 gram with small diamond

Ring 3 :  575 (14 ct)  3.05 gram

Ring 4 :   This is wicked, 10.5 Gram of Pure Gold, marked 99999 and Pure platinum!

And final, the best of the best ring of the trip :

Ring 5 : Marked 750 (18CT)...... Total weight is.....37 gram!!!!!

Here are all rings to compare size again :

 The total brings me to 49 gold for the year... pity i didnt find my #50 on the trip....

See you all at the beach!

Tuesday, 22 October 2013

Quick evening hunt at the gloomy city beach

While everyone is waiting for my Samoa story and pictures, i decided to clean up one of the Auckland city beaches:

We have 8$ and some junk jewelry + a butterfly silver earring and the below Silver ring :  

Now question, what is that black thing ? ;-)

I know answer, do you ? post a comment :-)

Sneak peak into Samoa Treasure Hunting Trip

Good Day all

DMNZ (Dale) and i went for a week of Samoa treasure hunting!

As we have heaps of Photos, stories and videos, i will share pictures only of 1 day of our adventure :-)

This was my 1st gold ring for the trip and biggest silver chain i ever found - 50 grams

Please be patient for full story with wicked photos and videos.

Regards Max 

Friday, 11 October 2013

Gift From Australia :-)

Heya Guys,

Received an awesome gift from Australian forum member -  liquidhandwash  ,
his project to use laser cutter and making very very nice coin holders
Check this one out, it consists of 5 parts,
* middle part with holes for coins and sides as wells + 2 legs, assembly takes 10 seconds:

Thanks a lot mate!
As this one is only prototype and you are working on it further, i believe that your next lot will be perfect and you should go ahead and make it mass production.

This product will easily sell to collectors and metal detecting hobbyists .


Thursday, 3 October 2013

Another successful Night out :-)

Same Time, got picked up by Olly at 23:30 and went for an hour ,
I am now trialing Open screen on CTX, no disc, just listening for sound  , same as on Excalibur.

As time was limited i covered only a small portion of the beach (coming back tonight, but was rewarded with some coins and 44th gold ring for the year !

Weights at 4.1 gram

Lets hope there is some more.
See you at the beach!

Wednesday, 2 October 2013

"M" is for Master of Metaldetecting :-)

Olly pulled me for a midnight hunt,
as we had only an hour to wonder around, i suggested to go to Misison bay.
Our target was to get no less than 1.5$ each :-) - the result was way better

The toe ring is Silver, stamped 925
While the Letter "M" has two foreign stamps on ring and the M itself. it is very think ,but weights 0.5 gram, it is gold for sure without acid test.  It went right on my chain :-)
Thanks guys!