Tuesday, 30 April 2013

2013 Hunt# 48 The Day i found Purse

Olly and i went to Kohimarama on already coming tide and just with 1 hour of sunlight.
i Knew that there should be something out ther in the deep, below low tide mark.
SO we start wading away from the shore... Not that many targets, but still better expirience than digging light aluminum crap and beer tops.

Anyway, when i got the small purse in the scoop - i got very excited, as i could see the impression of coins in it.
However due to Plastic composition of the purse i didnt expect anything older than 1950s

I called Olly over to share the moment (i always say film that, to share with other, but in this case, again, i didnt expect anything super good)- we opened the purse and there were 2 nz pennys and one Fiju Penny.

I consider it to be my first Treasure :-)

Here is a pick of other items that i got in an hour:

Sunday, 28 April 2013

2013 Hunt# 47 Mindnight Water Hunt at Takapuna

The tide was perfect, weather was worm, absolutely no wave motion...
what could be better for a nice water detecting hunt?

Olly, Brett and myself went to Taka, but only Olly and me went into water.
There was a good washout area where Brett decided to stay, but got absolutely nothing :-(

I spent about 3 hours in the water with a great number of good signals and very good ratio of Junk/keeper, but still failed to find any gold.

The best of finds are Brass pendant that that says "Love of my Life Eleanor " and 1945 Shilling.
The Half Crown is 1948, so its copper/nickel :-(

Oh well, better luck next time

Tuesday, 16 April 2013

Dirt Hunt #1/2013 - 1871 Auckland Licensed Victuallers Association Penny Traders Token


Had only 1 hour to spare, so decided to grab dusty E-track from Last year and check the ground conditions after 2 days of continuous rain .
Unfortunately it is still very dry under 3 inches.

My efforts were not fruitless, got about 10 coins (brown buggers are not included int he picture),where best finds are 4$ , 1946 NZ sixpence and my second ever trader's token!

this time it is  1871 Auckland Licensed Victuallers Association Penny Traders Token

That's how it looks like when new :

Good luck everyone with all upcoming dirt hunts! 

Monday, 15 April 2013

Lost : Very Sentimental Value Gold chain with Gold "Half of the Heart" Pendant

This is call for help to all Metal detecting guys in Auckland who have visited Mission bay in the last 2 weeks,
I know some of you  visit my blog, but never leave comments and not even registered, so this is mainly for those snipers ;-)

If any of you have found a gold chain with a gold half heart on it, or even just the heart without the chain (second half as pictured below)

Please contact Steven on slancaster1964@gmail.com 
It is believed to be lost opposite the Mission bay toilets about 2 weeks ago.

There is a reward for the return (heart is very important)


Monday, 8 April 2013

2013 Hunt# 44 Pendant crafted by dwarfs,5 April, Browns bay

Didnt have time to go hunting over weekend or even post about friday night outing.
Andrew, his brother and i went to browns bay for low tide,
Weather was really calm, so i decided to go weist deep- found a number of holes made by others, however got lucky with silver shilling and very beautiful pendant :

The watch is Seiko, that is still dry inside, but completely munted as it was in the water for quite some time, deof not this year drop.

And here is pendant close up:

Andrew got lucky this time and scored nice, but tiny 9ct gold ring with diamond chips, while his brother got silver charm for the bracelet (like Pandora ones)

Summer is over, and beaches will not be as popular as before. so time to watch for Cuts and go into water for old drop

Monday, 1 April 2013

2013 Hunt# 43 3 rings from Shakespear Regional Park

First of all , why is there no posts from 39-42 you ask? Cos there was nothing, 4 hunts, about 15 hours total. Nothing
That happens some time :-(

Today we had only a short hunt at Shakespear park, about 2 hours while our girls were enjoying what was left from Summer.
The beach is over hunted by Dan & team , plus we met a member of Te Hai club there who was "onto it" this season.
i didn't ask for permission to post detaisl fo his finds over this summer, so i can not. But it is impressive.

As for me - i tried to do "below low tide mark" run, and got following 3 rings:

I've made a Video as well,  here we go :