Monday, 1 April 2013

2013 Hunt# 43 3 rings from Shakespear Regional Park

First of all , why is there no posts from 39-42 you ask? Cos there was nothing, 4 hunts, about 15 hours total. Nothing
That happens some time :-(

Today we had only a short hunt at Shakespear park, about 2 hours while our girls were enjoying what was left from Summer.
The beach is over hunted by Dan & team , plus we met a member of Te Hai club there who was "onto it" this season.
i didn't ask for permission to post detaisl fo his finds over this summer, so i can not. But it is impressive.

As for me - i tried to do "below low tide mark" run, and got following 3 rings:

I've made a Video as well,  here we go :


  1. Hi Max, email me your account number to help sponsor this website.



    We spoke earlier today re scoop.

  2. I must have just missed you Max, we are staying at Gulf Harbour.

  3. good finds and vid Max.
    Thanks for sharing.
