Saturday, 30 November 2013

Samoa Treasure Hunting Trip Video is Up! :-)

Heya Guys,

Finally was able to complete my story, Maybe not as good as i wanted it to be.
but please enjoy :

Friday, 29 November 2013

Another Water Hunt, 3 rings in 2 hours before work

Still 4 gold rigns behind Meggie,
so wanted to go hard, but sleeped in couple of last days.. bummer.

Anyway. Went to Takapuna and got following Lot:

Silver ring, Stainless spinner, and copper toe ring.

Another plated spoon... :-( still no silver one.. eh.. bummer...

Anyway. better next time :-)

Monday, 25 November 2013

Mr.President would like to report 11 Ring weekend :-)

Good Day everyone!

I hope you all had a great weekend out there ;-)

This time i am not going to tell you where i was , all i can tell i had an awesome weekend, 2 trips to a spot that produced the below lot:

Saturday, 2.5 hours of work:

Sunday, 3 hours:

Here is the lot of Rings :

Front raw items from Saturday and top from sunday.

Now.... lets have a closer look at the find of the weekend, Mr.President style ring :

All i can say at this stage, that stones are Diamonds ;-) more info will be added later about this ring.
 This brings me to *2013*Rings PlT/PD=4 GOLD= 65 STG= 86 Junk=58

Thanks for stopping by, see you at the beach :-)

Saturday, 23 November 2013

Recovery Job: lost 1911 Gold Half Sovereign

Heya guys,

Last night i had partial success in Ring recovery ,
the task was to find Sovereign ring, but unfortunately only coin was located after 2.5 hours and numerous grinding lines on the beach.

I also got a small copper/brass ring, the silver ring is from other night in the park :

And here is a chap:

See you all at the beach!

Monday, 18 November 2013

Waiheke Island Treasure Hunting Trip, Gold rings # 58&59 for the year

Good day everyone!

I hope you will like my Life recovery Video :

Also here are the close up Photos :

Thanks for stopping buy, and see you all at the beach :-)

Saturday, 16 November 2013

Learning Vector animation for my Blog and youtube channel

Hi guys,

I really want to improve my videos and posts,
so i am learning how to create animation,

So i will have animated maps of my travels, animated face of my own in videos and so on.

Here is my 1st exercise that i completed - very poor for now, with artifacts all around, but will learn and improve. this is, again , just a test one

Next remake :

Friday, 15 November 2013

Sweet Gold # 57 for the year :-)

Just a short Hunt with Andrew at popular Auckland Beach :-)

See you all at the beach :-)

Tuesday, 5 November 2013

Second Leg of October Treasure Hunting Trip - Rarotonga #6

Heya Guys,
Please do not be jealous... I know that you are.. but do not :-)
Realizing that there is a public holiday - the Labor day. I booked the Whole week of and went to Rarotonga on My Treasure Hunting Trip Raro #6

I had an Absolutely awesome week again with sun, ocean, colorful fish, PawPaw and much more.

I have a good footage as well that i am processing into one Video with Samoa Adventures and will  upload a video some time this week for all my October Adventures!

Anyway, i do not want you to wait long for the details, so here are all finds from raro trip :

Total 19 rings:
* 7 gold
*10 Silver
* 2 Junk
*3 Silver Bracelets
* Some CZ earings
Over 500 Coins (not in the picture)

Gold Close up :

I will Post all Close ups later on in a week with the Video.

Please, do wait for the Video and i promise that it will be worth watching from the beginning to the end :-)

If Any of you would Like to go on Treasure Hunting trip with Me- and we are talking about Flying to a random Holiday Location, do not hasitate to contact me, i can make a package and go with you :-)
