Sunday, 29 September 2013

7 Ring Day , wow ... but no Gold :-(

Daylight savings... what a pain in the ass when you need to wake up early in the morning....
... Andrew braved up and txted me 5:45am NEW Time that we are going....
I couldn't believe... so early o.o.....x.x ...

The start of day day was at SH1 highway petrol station with White Chocolate Blueberry muffins and Coffee as we were heading up north to Omaha area.

The day was so warm and beautiful that we really wanted just go for a swim :-) but water is still pretty cold, so we passed on water activities.

Targets were slow, but consistent with 1st target sinker and next target Stainless steel ring . That gave us some hope for real treasure. But gold and 1-2$ coins were all VERY VERY deep so even our CTX with 11 (me for today) and Andey with 17 missed all gold . We spent well over 5 hours detecting at Omaha and Tawharanui Peninsula .

My totals are below:

And cleaned:

Friday, 27 September 2013

Would Queen Victoria wear that? ;-)

With all the crazy weather we had this week, there should be some cuts - that is what i though.
Dan also called me saying i should go for a detect as certain beaches we washed away. But unfortunately I had to work and there was a limited time to get to the low tide time, so Dale and i met up at Takapuna ... Wrong beach :-( sanded in with extra seaweed on top. being at rush hour, there was no way we could get fast to any south side beaches, so we decided to stick to one of local parks.

Glad we did! i got the best silver item i even dug up in the dirt :
over 30 gram and over 80 CZ  Silver bracelet :

It had all stones intact, but 2 were cracked :-( , so when i was washing it on stone fall apart.. eh... maybe i will restore it later on... very beautiful bracelet

Here are some other finds from the evening :

The dog tag (goes into pet tag collection) has a new name : Phoebe
* 4 pennys all came from one hole, deep 30 sm down, below "fill" soil . and all are Victorian pennys with years: 186X , 1870, 1876 & 1877

Yet another good evening :-)
thanks for stopping by

Saturday, 14 September 2013

Treasure hunting Rarotonga #5 August 2013

Finally i got a minute to Put a video togather about my fifth trip to Rarotnonga!

The sad news - is that my CTX leaked on the last day... Stupid Battery design :

But on the other hand, i finally got a ring worth appraisal :

An interesting coin find is a 1$ nz 1983 from 50th anniversary of NZ coinage set:

All of the finds:

And the 2 gold rings:

See you all at the beach! 

Thursday, 12 September 2013

Excalibur 2 with 8 inch Coil Trial While CTX is in Repair

Good Day everyone,

Am still processing my Rarotonga Video and Minelab repairing my CTX. So i Got Myself Excalibur 2 with * Inch coil (i used 10 Inch coil for over a year prior CTX)

Same as before, i would say that Shaft is Crap and i need to get Straight shaft as soon as possible.
Performance- love it! :-)
here are finds from just 2  hours from Takapuna (that is so cleaned out by us....) Photo is missing 1$ coin and 3*50c coins that i spent on the bus:

Silver items are 3d and an earring.

Next step - test in water.