Monday, 30 July 2012

2 Hour Hunt at Takapuna this morning

Got a day off today :-)
So went 1 h before low tide to our over over over OVER hunted beach.
There were pretty big swells , but weather was nice and sunny.
Spent 2 hours wondering around, looking at any spots with erosion - found couple and manage to pull 3! predecimals from different  areas.

Not a bad 2 hour walk considering i was going over the area that i personally cleaned out at the end of summer several times.

One out of 3 is silver , another one was just 1 year away 1947 :-(

Also new member for my pet tag collection - Pipi

Sunday, 22 July 2012

South Auckland Day 1

Good Day everyone,
Treasure seeker and i went on morning discovery trip to one of the south Auckland areas.
I would never go alone there. But long time ago, south Auckland wasn't that bad at all.

I hope you Enjoy the video i've made of day 1 :

So Here is a close up of the ring :

And the Three pence :

Once i process the Day 2 - i will upload another video and a photo of all finds over 2 days :-)
Thanks for stopping by 

Friday, 6 July 2012

Metal Detecting 1 Hour Drive from Auckland

As it is a new location and we are going back to the spot, will not disclose the place.... but here is a cool video of todays detecting:

The result :

I hope you liked my Video!

Thursday, 5 July 2012

All East beaches are Sanded In :-(

Treasure Seeker and i went to Devonport beaches.
My best find is below :

Tomorrow will be better :-)

Tuesday, 3 July 2012