Sunday, 16 February 2014

White's Dual Field Pi strikes gold again :-)

Most of New Zealanders headed off to the beach over this weekend as summer is coming and going this year. By me observation it is only 3d sunny&warm weekend this summer, which actually ends in 2 weeks time.

And unfortunately the low tide is mid day, so the whole of drop zone is below low tide mark ... So what is the solution ? - Put wetsuite , weight belt and grab my new favorite - White's Dual Field Pi

So, what is the result ? -  Check it out below   :

And the best of it :

The gold ring is 18 CT. 5.72 grab :-)
Earring is 925 silver an pendant that was attached to above chain seems to be junk.

This is my gold number 7 for the year ;-)

Have fun all!

1 comment:

  1. Good work Max, always enjoy the blogs. I found the sister earing 2 weeks ago at an inner city beach so guess they were a pair, cheers
