Saturday, 8 February 2014

Metal Detecting King Tides week

I've decided that i will make one big post for the whole week of king tides.

The First hunt was in the water  during low tide on Saturday 1St of Feb  and produced ok pile with a potential of coming back :

Couple of predec, including silver 3d. Plus junky stainless steel ring.

Sunday the 2nd FEB:

All finds on the left were from Dry sand on one of city beaches as crowds were just insane, so Dale and i decided to clean out at least one of the beaches before morning treasure hunters start roaming the sands..
* got a silver pendant on junk chain and junk ring

So all water finds are from the same beach as on 1st , but this time with a bit more nice pieces. 5 rings total, but no gold :-(  3 silver rings  2 junk. Very nice big religious pendant and three 3Ds 

Monday the 3d i finished work right at the low tide, so headed to near by beach to do an upcoming tide.:

The result was pretty poor with only 3$ and one Silver ring (the pendant is junk aluminum)

Tuesday the 4th gave me an extra hour after work as tide shifted, so i decided to rush into water.
The result was OK, with a big  stainless steel ring and some coins, but still no Yellow :-(

5th Wednesday night was a night at Long Bay at wet sand, that produced just a junk Copper ring and some coins not worth posting picture of :-(
Dale kindly offered to host us for the night so we could catch double tide on Waitangi day 6th Feb.
The plan was to get 7 am low tide, then go fishing and then do another 7 pm tide. But weather told us : "screw your plans" and wind started to pick up right from early morning. That didnt stop us going into water in a semi calm bay that produced  some finds and well worth coming back :

 * The Rings are silver + Junk and an interesting gold plated brass kiwi brooch .

As weather was a bit crap with high wind, but sunny, we decided to do the whole of Kohi beach. wich was obviously detected through the week.But most importantly someone decided to prank other treasure hunters and scattered lots and lots of 1&2 cent pieces all over the beach.

* The best find for me was a set of nice silver earrings that were claimed by GF right away :-)
With very high winds & waves we had a very limited choice of where to go detecting in the water, so we decided to try Kohi. Unfortunately it didnt go that well and we had to call it quits within 1st hour .
my best find was a gold plated ring :

With absolutely crap weather on Friday, we all took rest.
So, here is a better picture of 6 day hunt finds :

* Total of 13 Rings, 5 silver.
* 2 silver pendants and a set of silver earrings
* four 3Ds

But no gold... :-( better luck next time.

Have fun and see you all at the beach!

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