Sunday, 18 October 2015

2 Days at Bondi Beach, Sydney Australia

Heya All,

Had a fun weekend of MAgic the Gathering Grand Prix in Sydney :-)

So booked couple of spare days for Bondi beach as well.
Monday was wicked- Sunny and warm with thousands people at the beach :

The Day 1 got me couple of awesome finds, like a moon silver ring:

But the best find for the day and for the trip for me is a SCARRRRY SHARK TOOTH that goot scooped with a Canadian 25c piece at weist deep water (na na, na na, na na  na,,) :

All of the finds from day 1 (30$ in coins and other byfinds): 

Day 2 was diffrent in terms of weather -Tuesday was Windy, Overcast with drizzle. So beach was absolutely empty.

However i still managed a heart silver ring: 

All of the finds from Day 2 include another 30$, silver 6D and other junk :

The best from the Bondi: 

Silver: +2
STG coins : +1
Keys:  +3

Total Rings: 215   Precious: 132
*2015*Rings PlT/PD=0 GOLD=64 STG=68 Junk=83,STG Coins: 15,Keys:50

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