Monday, 10 March 2014

Catch Up game with Dale & Urban Gold detecting

Heya all,

As i had 3 PM shift last week, missed all the afternooon tides except one day of detecting on Sunday and Failed recovery on Saturday

Saturday :
Got a call from Dianne, who lost her watch on the beach, spent about an hour in the exact given area, but nothing was found. I believe it was picked up by passers by as watch dropped fro towel :-( and sand ws pretty hard on the beach.
Even that recovery failed, Dianne was very thankful for me coming out.
While searching for the watch i found 9$ and junk pendant on the same beach.

But lets start off Sunday morning when i went on Urban Detecting walk in City center.
Its not a secret that after Saturday night in town, a lot of things are lost on streets, Coins, banknotes, cellphones etc. Most of those items are picked up by cleaners in early hour but tiny stuff like Chains,earrings and other stuff can be missed, Run over by a car and trampled down into concrete or tar  that is used ont he roads.

So my best find for Sunday morning was this nice 2.43 Gram 10 CT gold ring: 

That got me to 10th Gold ring for the year against Dale's 13 (he spent every singe day last week detecting and went ahead of me from 9-9 when we finished the week before)

Please with gold ring, i've decided to get out to the beach and try to score some more.
Glad i Did!

I went o a Local city beach and spent about 2 hours in a wet send, scoring myself 15$ and another 3 rings:

* the best is Indian 18/22 ct Ring with either Sapphire or Citrine 
* Silver ring and the Junk Toe Ring

Here is a close up of Best find for the week: 

So totals after last week are :  *2014*Rings PlT/PD=0 GOLD=11 STG=12 Junk=17

Happy Hunting All!

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