Thursday, 9 February 2012

I got a Lamborghini! :D

Good morning everyone. i didnt have time last night to post the findings, so doing it today.
Me and Andrew decided to go to Cheltenham‎ last night as we had only couple of hours for hunting.
As you might know i have already visited the area where i found 3 silvers in total.
We stayed till the moon shine and it was absolutely wicked to hunt in the moon light :D
Anyway, here are my findings for the evening:

Lambo! :

Now i have Lambo and Ferrari! ... Bugatti to go for my garage :D
Anyway... you know me... everytime i go for i hunt, i usually find what? correct... Ring(s) today was not an exception and i got another LOVE ring and around the world crap ring....

But wait for it.....

.... 9K 5 diamond ring as well :

And the Totals are as below:

Have fun, and see you at the beach!