Thursday, 17 May 2012

Excalibur Trip#10 , Orakei

Good day!
I have a day off today and decided to go for a low tide,Mud hunt at Orakei. I tell you the truth- i was really disgusted to detect there. so much rubbish - and i am not talking about bottle tops. Wrappers, personal hygiene  items name it :-(

Anyway. spent 2 hours and got 1$ :-) coin wise. but also some really nice keppers like Hot Wheels for my car collection . Cell phone number 4 and nice spoon with "Stanley Rogers " Kensington 18/10, Korea  marking

But best Find of the day is this beautiful Sterling Ring with 3 Stones:

It will be soon 6 month since i started Metal detecting. so stay tuned for the massive post of all finds for the 6 month  , Video will be included :-)


  1. That surely is a magic ring Max.
    Seems as though you also found my comment of the area being a bit polluted to be true, but for a find like that, well I suppose the risk was worth it eh. Well done.

  2. I think Sailors are dumping everything in the harbor :-( sad. really sad..

  3. Hmmm ..... Yes and could also be a sewer overflow pipe there on to the beach.
