Thursday, 21 March 2013

2013 Hunt#37 Gold number 23,24 ;-)

Treaseseeker and i had initial plan to go to Point Chev beach,
but we diverted to Takapuna.
Glad we did, 3 hours in the water BELOW low tide mark produced some good targets :

Big silver ring is 14.43 gram another one is  6.03


"Kate" is 3.47 gram and doesn't have hallmark ,while
Pinky signet ring is  1.83 and  hallmark h.c&s and junt number 9 in a separate box, while there is another hallmark field that is too warn out to recognize, so this ring might me 9 ct or more.

It was a nice day, but half hunt through my battery went flat and i had to get out to replace it (i have 2 excal batteries, to prevent complete bummer if one goes flat)

Another hard thing was- waves, once chest deep- a lot of them smash into face :-(

Thanks for stopping by, and see you at the beach!

1 comment:

  1. You made the right choice for sure.
    PC has been quite bare lately except for a few coins.
