Thursday, 1 August 2013

"Big Day Out" with Dale, Yields Full House of NZ predecimals!

Good day,
Couldn't wait till tomorrow to post , even that it is already almost midnight....

First stop was about 10 am at Takapuna beach for about 20 minutes where Dale picked up broken USA 10CT Class Ring ,dated 1974! very very greeny but very cool find.

After we went to Sylvan Park where i picked up NZ & UK 3d and just before we left.. i got my Second ever NZ Half Crown! As we were around milford, we poped in at a Very nice Antique store - Molloys Of Milford Antiques Centre

Then we had super lunch and another find of the day - French bakery just around the corner from the store.

Recharged and full of energy we went to Dale's secret spot where we had some really cool finds ....

It was very cool there, as i had 2 special coin spiils - 8 pennys and 6! florins, unfortunately only one was foil... but that was enough to get Full house! 

Here are all coin finds for the day including small junk ring that was part of triple ring (others shattered)

Total amount of coins for the day is : 73

The best of the day, Silver:

So, that is me... But , oh boy... how hard it is to dig in the dirt to compare with Beaches! ;/

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