Saturday, 10 August 2013

Gold! ゴールド! 金 ! Or! Золото! - Ring# 41 for a year

After Thursday hard out night i though that i would give it a miss on friday,
But got a call from Dale in the morning if i was keen for more detecting... you know me... i am always keen :-)
With weather being absolutely fantastic and tide around 3 pm we had some time before for a park hunt.

First we went to Western Park just for a quick scan , but effort was fruitless. However there was an interesting eye find , the rock signed by mysterious girl :

Then we went to another west Auckland park that has original / non reinstated soil, but it was too young :-( got couple of pennies - one with word STELLA stamp over one side and a Chinese coin with a hole

Close to tide we went to Long Bay , where targets were very few and far in between.
By the time i scored the below watch

, Dale had to leave, but i decided to stay as i had a plan to find my gold ring.. Glad i stayed! Right after Dale left, i got 12-38 and 2 scoops down found this beautiful 8 Gram 22 (916) Gold Ring!

And here is a Video of the Find!

Thanks for watching and see you out there!


  1. 22ct Yippee! Equal to 3 9cts of Золото ..... And you now only have 9 more to go to catch up to Meggie.

    By the way stop sniffing your finds - not a good look on the beach :)
