Thursday, 26 April 2012

Excalibur Trips#4/5/6

Hi All,
Trip#4 was the day before yesterday to Kohimarama and yelled absolutely nothing :-(
Trip#5 was a scouting trip to one of the remote shore parks where we had a BBQ:
- 1967 2 cent piece
- Maybe a  Silver "Nike" Ring :

Trip#6 , Takapuna today, 3 hour hunt :

- 15 Gram 925 Silver Bracelet
- 9$ in coins
-Stainless steel Men Ring
-Stainless steel Pendant with "Our Father " prayer in Spanish :

Padre Nuestro que estás en el Cielo,
Santificado sea tu nombre,
venga a nosotros tu Reino.

Hágase tu voluntad así en la Tierra como en el Cielo.
Danos hoy el pan de cada día.
Perdona nuestras ofensas como nosotros perdonamos a los que nos ofenden.
No nos dejes caer en la tentación
y líbranos del mal, amén.

It is called "El Padre Nuestro" in Spanish

- Silver earring
- Also 2 pet tags, The big one has name "Sparky"- i actually found it second time. Initially i got it on my trip#2 but lost on the beach, so today i found it again :-)

But main find for me is the location of 2 "Honey Holes" , however they were about waist deep. I tried them quickly and could hear a lot of targets, but could not really stay there as it was windy and waves were smashing up to my shoulders. I will buy Wet Suit tomorrow and go after all those heavy items :-)

Stay Tuned for the next update!


  1. Looks like you are defiantly picking up the targets in the water! I think you might be the only one hunting below the low tide line in Auck.

    If going waist to chest deep with a wet suit you might also want to think about a lightly weighted weight belt. Something that won't keep you under if you fall but enough to stop you bouncing about in the waves or when you push down on the scoop.

  2. Hi Grant,
    The weight Belt- i was thinking about it, and probably can melt down all those sinkers i have found :-) should be 5-10 kilo already.

    I really enjoy Excalibur. I has awesome Discrimination of Ferrous metals! makes life so easier at the beach :-)

    I should come to Waiheke for a hunt below tide mark :-)- will wait for Fare specials, should star coming on Grabone (last year they were going 10-15 $ return)
