Good Day everyone,
Thank you friends for supporting me during some serious stress time i am going through :-)
So the weekend started at 3:30 AM on Saturday morning when Brett picked me up for a first stop at Long Bay.
4:15 we geared up and meet up with Steve, who was ahead of Dan. Spent about 1 hour at the middle to lower tide limit with almost no finds. Beach is so heavy sanded in with light fluffy shell sand, that even bear tops and pull tabs were 2 scoops deep! crazy! Brett pulled couple fo dollars , i got 20c and 50c from 3 scoops down and even Dan with PI machine gave up shortly, so we all decided to move to Waiake Bay.
5:30 Waiake Bay :
Dan shoots first to the beach while Brett rushing to restroom and i am adjusting m Excal.
in 3 minutes when we all were at the beach, Dan already found Silver Sixpence as the beach lost its fluffy sand and was down to rock base... I got all very excited....but...
HEAVY mineralization base.. so Brett and i couldn't do it at all (both of us with Excals,Steve with Explorer, while Dan has Sea Hunter PI)
So it still was time before pick of low tide and we moved to Browns Bay where we spent the rest of the morning till 8:15 .
I got 2 silver rings and some other bits and bops...
08:30 Brett kindly dropped me off at the Dive shop , for me first Open water Dive :-)
So had half a day at the Lake doing the course and returned home around 1-2 pm
The day was so hot and nice that was sure Mission bay was full of people, also the Auckland Detecting Club was planning for Sunday Morning detect there, so i decided to go and do all wet sand in the evening (the tide was right for the weekend- High during the day and low in the evening, so drop zone is right where you can go on wet sand)
And i am glad i Did!, 2.5 hours produced just over 10$, 2 Silver Rings and my First 14ct Gold #9 for the year:
The above Chanel blink Pendant gave me chills when i found it , but knowing that NZ person wouldn't have such money for real thing, i dropped all dreams about it being gold. IF such item was found somewhere in USA, then yes. chances are high to be gold with stones... not in NZ.
I had my Final open water Dive in the Morning and a lunch with Friends on a day, so no morning detect for me,
but thinking that 2 super hot sunny days should bring good results at the beach- headed to Takapuna in the evening.
Spent 3 hours, meet Katherine from Te Hai detecting Club , shared couple of stories and techniques
Here are my Finds from Takapuna :
SO what we got here are:
* Junk ring
* stainless steel ring
* Silver Ring
* part of heavy Silver Bracelet (25g)
* and and and!!!!!.... another 9 ct ring with stones (will test later) - My gold Number 10!
I have several Videos from the weekend that i need to process and upload to my Youtube Channel. Stand by for those.
Thanks again for support, see you at the beach!
Back into that gold Max! Good going!!