Saturday, 15 June 2013

Metaldetecting NZ - Returning lost memories and unearthing history

8am , 9 June, a lazy Sunday for me.. still asleep... got a txt from Luke that he buried his keys at Piha beach before going surfing. Almost a dead scenario as Piha located at our west cost with magnetic black sand and none of detectors work there. Good news were that keys were somewhere on the sand dune and no dipper than couple of inches. So we agreed to go over for the search .. :-)


The next one was a call from Will, his wife Mareeba was shuffling hay at stables and precious grandma's engagement ring slipped off somewhere in one of areas. The areas are not big, but a lot of iron around including nails in the wooden pallets. First area tried to cover for 10 minutes before Mareeba came over and told me the spot where she remembers she had her ring ON, as we all know that people think of place where they loose an item is not the actual place. So i started at the beginning of the path that lead to a ring drop. 5 Minutes later :

And a better picture indoors with more light: 

And last update is me trying out my 17 Inc coil... : 

I went to Cheltenham beach (Devonport) as we (MDs) know how much Aluminum is there and other rubbish. so i really wanted to test it out for depth and metal discrimination /target separation.
I would not say that i am impressed as disadvantages are obvious :
* Big depth, but to many targets under coil
* too heavy and gravity center becomes unbalanced - me elbow and back got soar after 3.5 hours of detecting, when using excal with straight shaft i could swing for 6 hours + without back pain.

Anyway, i wanted to get those deep 2$ coins others couldn't hear - got 8$ 
and i really wanted to find a ring .. pity i didnt specify what kind... : 

as you can see i picked very deep sinkers where others missed them. same will be with gold.
So lets try to bring gold count up....
see you all out there :-) Call me/ text me i need you guys, i would love to go out with buddy rather than by my self.

Regards max 

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