Saturday, 14 December 2013

Type of Hunts, that i usually do not post about

Heya Guys!

You always see my posts when i find ring and all other cool stuff.
But believe me, there a lot of hunts in between when i find nothing or close to nothing.

For example this week a had already several hunts  that were absolutely fruitless and took a significant amount of time :

Wednesday, Mission bay+ Kohimarama with Mark (DJevel) : All i got was two 1$ coins and pile of beer tops.

And here is one of typical wet sand hunts, when i get nothing: almost 3 hours with Olly :

I kept all targets dug last night and you can see that the best of it are :
1$ + 2 cent peice
2 Junk pendat/earring

So all those who think that once you have Excalibur or CTX3030, gold rings are guarantied - please note that your are wrong.

Sometimes it takes FIVE or more 3-4 hour hunts+ travel time to actually score a gold ring.

Other than that , enjoy and see you at the beach!

1 comment:

  1. Damm I must have missed that $1 on Mission bay when I was there last weekend.
