Wednesday, 9 January 2013

Ring Recovery for Magdalena and Scott by Allan- Mount Maunganui 29/12/2012

It was my please arrange a ring Recovery by Mount Maunganui resident Allan via my metal detecting website :

Here is what they write :
"Thanks again so much for helping us find our precious wedding ring and getting us in touch with Alan who found it so efficiently for us.
As you know we lost our ring while swimming in the surf at mt maunganui beach at high tide. After hours of fruitless searching in the dark and in the pouring rain we thought we would never see it again. We considered hiring a metal detector the next day, but fortunately came across your website first. Thanks for picking up our call at 10:30 pm and organizing getting in touch with Alan.
Alan was an amazing help and clearly a very experienced searcher as he found the ring in no time. The ring was already buried under 5 cm of sand, so the metal detector was the only way of ever finding it.
Thanks so much, it's amazing having the ring back as it means so much to us.
Lesson learnt - never swim in cold surf with wedding rings. :-)
Kind regards
Magdalena and Scott Taylor"

Here is word from Allan :

"Hi Max
I was very pleased to be involved in this textbook recovery,was very happy for them as the Ring was one of a matching pair
The Mount was packed with people their for New Year and quite a few had gathered around to witness the Recovery and clapped(something I will remember for along time)
Regards  Allan "

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